First time dancing question asked for the junior-senior banquet

Here’s an interesting question. Should dancing be permitted at the Bluffton High School junior-senior banquet? That was the big news in Bluffton 85 years ago this month.
The dancing issue caused a special school board meeting on the matter, according to the. Bluffton New issue of April 13, 1939.
The entire story printed on the News front page follows, however, viewers will need to wait one week to learn of the 1939 school board’s decision.
As a look back, one of the top hit songs during the spring of 1939 that may have been on the dance card was Glenn Miller and his Orchestra playing “Moonlight Serenade.”
Front page headline: “To seek views of parents on dancing in high school here” Subhead: “Parents and class officers ask dancing on junior-senior banquet program”
According to the News, parents of 115 Bluffton High School juniors and seniors will be asked this week to register their approval or objection to their children attending a school function where dancing is included in the evening’s program.
Results of the poll will be considered next Monday night at a special meeting of the board of education.
