In 1937 Bluffton was a one factory town - Triplett was the factory

In 1937 the Triplett Corp. located on Harmon Road was Bluffton’s largest employer. Today the building is home to one of Diamond Manufacturing.
This photo shows “key people” in the company that year. Only two of these persons came from outside the Bluffton area.
From left, Jack Remde, A.E. Lichtenwalter, R.L. Triplett, Cliff Elliott, Dick Burkholder and Floyd “Fred” Wenger.
Back from left, Gene Basinger, George Klay, Norm Triplett, Arden Baker, Lendon Basinger and Dick Schumaker.

In 1937 the Triplett Corp. located on Harmon Road was Bluffton’s largest employer. Today the building is home to one of Diamond Manufacturing.
This photo shows “key people” in the company that year. Only two of these persons came from outside the Bluffton area.
From left, Jack Remde, A.E. Lichtenwalter, R.L. Triplett, Cliff Elliott, Dick Burkholder and Floyd “Fred” Wenger.
Back from left, Gene Basinger, George Klay, Norm Triplett, Arden Baker, Lendon Basinger and Dick Schumaker.
