Bluffton postmasters - photo taken in the 1930s

Six early Bluffton postmasters sat for this Will Triplett photograph in the 1930s.
This impressive group of men represent 66 years of postal service to the Bluffton community. During their eras the post office, was originally located in the town hall, then in early 1900 moved to Vine Street and later to the building housing Roots by Stratton's. Then, in the early 1940s the present post office building was constructed.
Each of these postmasters served their position prior to the construction of the current post office building.
They are, standing from left, Russell Day, (1898-1907), M.M. Murray (1924-1934) and Gibson Locher (1916-1924)
Seated from left, Henry L. Romey, (1894-1898) Andrew Hauenstein (1868-1871; 1877-1885) and George W. Lewis (1907-1916).

Bluffton postmasters
Originally established as Croghan in Putnam County
Daniel L. Goble, 1837?
Erastus Thompson, 1846
William McDermot, 1852
Changed to Allen County by 1854
Erasmus Thompson, 1854
Miles W. Vance, 1856
Erastus Thompson, 1861
Changed to Bluffton on Aug. 7, 1861
Erastus Thompson, 1861
Jacob Moser, 1864
Robert D. Murray, 1865
Abram Long, 1866?
Andrew Hauenstein, 1868
?Edwin Edsall, 1871
?John Martin, 1871?
Andrew Hauenstein, 1877
Milton G. Smith, 1885
John H. Patterson, 1889
William P. Bentley, 1890
Henry L. Romey, 1894
Russell B. Day, 1898
George H. Lewis, 1907
Gibson Locher, 1916
Maurice M. Murray, 1924
Edward R. Reichenbach, 1934
Ralph Stearns, 1956
Woodrow W. Little, 1965
Donald I. Gudakunst, officer in charge, 1975
Albert Callihan, 1976
Roger E. Neal, officer in charge, 1983
David L. Boisvert, 1984
Robert A. Schaefer, officer in charge, 1986
Cheryl L. Stacy, officer in charge, 1987
Mark D. Keisay, officer in charge, 1987
James A. Ribley, officer in charge, 1987
Jerry L. Burkholder, 1987
Gary S. Levitt, officer in charge, 1991
Barbar A. Spearman, postmaster, 1992
Michael R. Hoehn, 1995
Margaret Wray, 1998
Everett G. Collier, 1998
Danielle Laing, officer in charge, 2011
Darrell Von Sossan, 2012-2014
Several officers in charge from 2014-2017
Missy Lonsway, 2017
Jared Caprella, 201
Can you do the pedigree of the Pandora Postmasters? Geraldine’s Dad Hiram “60” Basinger was one. They lived in the big house behind the post office. Last I knew, Geraldine Basinger DeMeo had moved from California to Maple Crest and her son Peter was at Freida House. And that’s another story of interest…how the two cottages got their names.