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111 school years ago - Bluffton 3rd graders

It was 1911 and marked the year that the first

Bluffton High School building was opened to students

It was 111 school years ago – 1911 to be exact – when this Bluffton third grade class posed for a photo. This is the high school graduating class of 1920.

Eunice Temple is the teacher.

First row, from left, Fairy (Berry) Musselman, Elmond Althaus, Howard Augsburger, Florence Johns, Beatrice (Steth) Conaway.

Second row, from left, Helen Basinger, Geraldine Bigler, Harold Kempf, Mae McGeorge, Ruth Murray.

Third row, from left, Lester Hahn, Robert Swick, Bernice (Althaus) Carder, Frances Geiger, Opal Betzner, Carl Lewis.

Fourth row, from left, Robert Cook, Herbert Thutt, Harold Althaus, unidentified, Rhoda (Stratton) Augsburger.

Back row, from left, unidentified, Gladys (Zerbach) Christensen, Homer Luginbuhl, Lilly Riser, Treva Benroth, Opal (Frach) Bish.

Standing at right center is C.A. Arganbright, superintendent, and Eunich Temple, teacher.

Bluffton’s population in 1911 was 1,953.

And, that year Bluffton’s first high school building was opened at the corner of Jackson and College. A photo of that building is below.

William Howard Taft of Ohio was the United States president. The U.S. flag had 46 stars with Arizona and New Mexico joining the U.S. in 1912.

Roald Amundsen reached the South Pole. Poncho Villa launched an attack against the government of Mexico starting a Mexican Revolution.

The first Indianapolis 500 auto race was held and the winner reached a speed of 74 miles per house.

The Peru city of Machu Picchu was rediscovered. The Philadelphia Athletics defeated the New York Giants to win the World Series.

In 1911 Bluffton schools expanded as its first-ever high school building was opened to students. The building stood at the corner of Jackson and College. Prior to 1911, high school students attend classes in the school building constructed in the 1870s.


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