Hi-Y members included familiar names: Bixel, Triplehorn,
Herr, Klay, Augsburger, Steiner, Ramseyer, Reichenbach,
Stratton, Gratz, Niswander, Burkholder and others

Eighty school years ago Hi-Y was a popular club for Bluffton High School boys. It’s code follows: “To create, maintain and extend throughout school and community, high standards of Christian character.”
Among the projects of the 1943-44 BHS members, according to the high school year book was collecting clothes for relief, particularly for the College Relief Room of the European Relief Program, also manufacturing bed trays for the Red Cross.
Back row from left, Paul Steiner, Charles Stonehill, Harley Steiner, Gordon Bixel, Charles Triplehorn, Evan Herr, Harry Klay, Donavin Augsburger, David Dean, Richard Minck, Robert Ramseyer, James Harmon, Paul Reichenbach, David Stearns.
Front from left, Robert Amstutz, Robert Stratton, Earl Dean Luginbuhl, Dean Niswander, Robert Burkholder, Varden Loganbill, Otto Klassen, Robert Stratton and Robert Gratz.
Officers: President – Bob Burkholder
Vice-president – Otto Klassen
Program chairman – Dean Niswander
Secretary-treasurer – Leonard Smucker
Publicity chairman – Robert Amstutz
Faculty advisor – Mr. Buhler
