12 or 13, no one knows for certain

How many saloons existed in Bluffton in the 1890s? No one is really certain. There may have been 12 or 13...and they moved around and changed hands often.
Piecing together what we know about many of these establishments the map below provides a picture of saloon locations in the 1890s.
Consider today that nearly 40 businesses exist between the town hall and the public library, including Vine and Cherry streets. Imagine in a dozen of those as saloons. How many offered 100 proof drinks and how many were for men only?
If you believe a dozen is a large number, read the 1890s-era clipping below stating Putnam County had 50 saloons. Wild times.

This map shows approximate locations of 11 Bluffton saloons in the 1890s. The green circles are placed as reference points to show locations.

This billiards and pool room was located in what is today's Podiatry Specialists of Northwest Ohio, 148 N. Main St.

George Benroth's saloon, today is 111 N. Main St.

Of the three businesses in this photo, Benroth's saloon is on the far right, next to the alley.

The Oak Restaurant, operated by Will Hahn. Today this location is the parking lot between First National Bank and Twisted Whisk.

Bluffton News clipping listing saloons in Putnam County.