BHS class of 1965 in the first grade during 1953-54
Meet members of the Bluffton High School class of 1965 in Ruby Murray’s first grade during the 1953-54 school year.
Front from left, Tony Bash, _____, Sharon Dirmeyer, Sue Cupples, Ruth Henry, Diane Conrad, Loretta Fisher, Harry Greding, Dennis Gable, Lee Cookson and Joe Davis.
Second row from left, Tom Bogart, Tom Augsburger, Tom Bell, Bonnie Cook, John Geiser, Judy Harkness, Larry Amstutz, Sue Hardwick, Richard Herr, Tom Basinger, Janette Benroth, _____.
Third row from left, Mrs. Murray, ____, ____, ____, Larry Henry, Charles Baker, Jane Barnett, Joy Hilty, Sandy Dillman, Tom Foltz, Linda Crawfish, Brenda _____, Carol Gratz.
Concerning the infamous tradition of street painting by Bluffton High School seniors, you can read the genesis of this project in the words of the of the original committee members, Tom Bell by clicking here.