Twelve Bluffton residents, including Bluffton High School students, performed in the late 1950s

Bluffton musicians have always maintained a significant presence in the Lima Symphony Orchestra. This photo may have well been called the Bluffton Symphony Orchestra, as 12 of its members were Bluffton residents.
This photograph of the Lima Symphony Orchestra is believed to be taken either in 1957 or 1958, Twelve Bluffton musicians made up the orchestra. William Byrd is the director.
Note: One day after posting this story and graphic, we discovered one additional Bluffton musician in the orchestra. So, the official count is 12, not 11, as indicated on the illustration on the home page.
Bluffton musicians follow: • James Szabo, violin and concert master
• Left side, back row - sixth from front, Judith Hilty, violin
• Left side, back row - seventh from front, Jo Shetler, violin
• Left side, third row – sixth from front, Connie or Nancy Patterson, violin
• Left side, second row - third from front, Esther Emmert, viola
• Directly behind Mr. Byrd, second row center - Ann Stauffer, flute, Jo Souder (Bluffton High School band director), oboe, and Jean Stauffer, clarinet
• Directly behind Ann Stauffer, Laura Diller, bassoon
• Right side, second row, second front, Connie or Nancy Patterson, violin
• Right side, second row, third from front, Margaret Steiner, cello
• Back row, standing, Paul Emmert, bass (center of three bass player)
